
Mole Clinic Perth | Skin Cancer Clinic
Skin Check Perth | Mole Check Perth

Skin Check & Skin Cancer Clinic, Perth

Skin Check

Did you know 95% of skin cancers can be successfully treated if found early? Early detection and treatment are essential.

With a focus on early detection, our experienced and trained doctors use specialised lighting with the latest digital dermatoscopy equipment to examine the surface layers of your skin. Images of moles are captured and securely saved against your patient file for future comparison so we can monitor any changes over time.

Skin checks are safe for everyone, including pregnant women, and are essential in detecting pre-cancerous cells and early-stage skin cancers. Skin cancers can grow rapidly, and it is for this reason that we recommend repeat visits at a frequency determined by the doctor based on your previous history, skin type and family history. This will be discussed with you during your appointment.

Please note, while in the private room with the doctor, you will be asked to remove your outer layers of clothing so they may analyse as much of your skin as possible (including in your scalp). If you have any areas of concern, please let the doctor know, and with your consent, they will take a closer look.

If during the skin check, a mole or spot of concern is found, the next steps will be discussed with you. This might involve using liquid nitrogen to freeze off a pre-cancerous lesion or a biopsy for suspect small spots and moles so we can send the sample to our laboratory for histological diagnosis (examination of the cells under a high-powered microscope) to determine the best course of treatment.

To make a skin check appointment, click the Book Now button, call us on 1300 722 222 or text your name and, preferred appointment date and time to 0432 528 251 and a member of the Mole Patrol team will contact you shortly.

Skin Biopsy

If you have a suspicious mole, our medical practitioners can perform a biopsy to obtain a skin sample for histological diagnosis (examination of the cells under a high-powered microscope).

Most biopsies can be done during your skin check, but it does depend on the location and the size of the mole. If the situation is complex, we may arrange another appointment with you at a later date.

You need not fear a biopsy as we will absolutely keep you as comfortable as possible, so you feel no more than a slight sting, like when you get a vaccination.

Your biopsy is analysed by an accredited pathology lab to determine the type of skin cancer and the depth of the cancerous cells.

Skin Cancer Treatment & Skin Cancer Surgery

Have you been diagnosed with skin cancer?

It is normal to feel anxious, cancer is a scary word, but don't panic, we're here to help and reassure you. We will have an in-person consultation with you and educate you on the type of skin cancer, the options for treatment and any follow-up care needed.

Your skin cancer treatment will be personalised for you. Someone else's experience with skin cancer treatment, may not apply to you. We will consider your skin cancer type and location, your skin type and family history as well as minimising scarring.

Our promise to you is that you will be given the highest level of care from Mole Patrol's doctors and medical practitioners.

If the skin cancer is on the skin surface (superficial or in-situ), you may not require surgery. Our doctor will discuss alternative treatment methods with you such as laser treatment.

If the cancer is melanoma, it will need to be excised (cut out). Depending on the size and location, this can often be performed under a local anaesthetic. The excised tissue will be sent to our pathology lab for analysis so we can determine if any further treatments are required.

If the melanoma or skin cancer is advanced or has progressed below the layers of your skin, reaching your blood vessels or lymphatic system, you may require further hospital treatment. Late detected melanoma that has reached blood vessels or the lymphatic system can spread to other parts of the body such as lungs, liver, bones or brain, causing secondary melanoma cancers which require more complex treatment. Mole Patrol can assist by coordinating your treatment with our specialists and affiliated hospitals.

Laser Skin Treatment

Mole Patrol uses an aesthetic laser machine that can be used on all areas of the face and body for effective treatment of:

  • superficial skin cancers
  • sun spots
  • age spots
  • unwanted freckles and moles
  • haemangioma
  • broken capillaries and small spider veins
  • seborrheic and solar keratosis
  • tattoo removal
  • skin rejuvenation

Laser skin treatment is affordable, cost-effective, not painful and has a low risk of side effects or scarring.

If you are interested in discussing laser skin treatment with one of our experienced and trained medical practitioners, make a booking with us using the Book Now button, or call us on 1300 722 222.

Follow up care

Our multidisciplinary team will be able to provide continuity of care to maintain and manage your skin health.

After a skin cancer diagnosis and treatment, you will need follow-up care as the risk of developing future skin cancers is higher.

The Mole Patrol team of doctors and medical practitioners will continue to monitor your overall skin health, regularly check your skin for new cancers and manage other skin concerns. We also have a recall system to remind you when it is time for your next appointment with us.

Mobile Skin Clinics

Mole Patrol offers on-site skin clinics for companies who are pro-active in maintaining the health of their employees. Skin clinics are particularly crucial if your company has employees working outdoors and will form part of your OSH policies and procedures.

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