Skin Cancer Treatment & Surgery, Perth

Skin Cancer Treatment & Skin Cancer Surgery

Have you been diagnosed with skin cancer?

It is normal to feel anxious, cancer is a scary word, but don't panic, we're here to help and reassure you. We will have an in-person consultation with you and educate you on the type of skin cancer, the options for treatment and any follow-up care needed.

Your skin cancer treatment will be personalised for you. Someone else's experience with skin cancer treatment, may not apply to you. We will consider your skin cancer type and location, your skin type and family history as well as minimising scarring.

Our promise to you is that you will be given the highest level of care from Mole Patrol's doctors and medical practitioners.

If the skin cancer is on the skin surface (superficial or in-situ), you may not require surgery. Our doctor will discuss alternative treatment methods with you such as laser treatment.

If the cancer is melanoma, it will need to be excised (cut out). Depending on the size and location, this can often be performed under a local anaesthetic. The excised tissue will be sent to our pathology lab for analysis so we can determine if any further treatments are required.

If the melanoma or skin cancer is advanced or has progressed below the layers of your skin, reaching your blood vessels or lymphatic system, you may require further hospital treatment. Late detected melanoma that has reached blood vessels or the lymphatic system can spread to other parts of the body such as lungs, liver, bones or brain, causing secondary melanoma cancers which require more complex treatment. Mole Patrol can assist by coordinating your treatment with our specialists and affiliated hospitals.

To make an appointment, use the buttons below to book using your preferred method.


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Do I have to pay for treatment at your clinic?

Molepatrol is a mixed billing clinic. Fees and charges may apply for skin checks, excisions and skin treatments. Please refer to the price list.

Where will I have my surgery?
Most treatments can be done in the theatre rooms at our clinic, bypassing the need for hospital admission. The team will discuss this with you before treatment.
Is there any downtime after surgery?
Most people will be able to resume to normal activities after surgery. If you do feel unwell please always let our team know. You will also be advised on how to look after your wound site.

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