At Mole Patrol, we've set out to do something about it.
Fees and charges may apply for skin checks and excisions.
Book regular skin checks and put your health first.
95% of skin cancers can be successfully treated if found early. Early treatment and detections are essential.
If you have any areas of concern, don't wait, book a skin check today.
Did you know Australia has the highest skin rate of skin cancer in the world?
Anyone at any age can develop skin cancer, but given the genetic and geographic factors in skin cancer prevalence, you are more likely to develop skin cancer if you have:
There are three main types of skin cancer we often diagnose, of which, melanoma is one of the most serious and potentially life-threatening.
Two other common types of skin cancer are Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC).
We've all heard of Slip, Slop, Slap - but do you know also aboutthe forth and fifth steps of Seek & Slide?
Watch our brief videos that show you how to follow the five steps properly to reduce your UV exposure and minimise the risk of developing skin cancer.
Self-examination plays a critical role in skin cancer prevention. Knowing what your skin looks like including any freckles, spots, lumps and bumps will help you notice any changes.
Follow our guide to know when you should immediately book a Skin Check with us.
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